..with time wandering on and the years shifting, I wanted to keep the memories of my wonderful father, Henri Meintjes, alive.. thanks to my siblings René, Linda, and Stephen, for sharing some wonderful stories.. how he would always be reading his books, or magazines, especially CAR magazine (he loved and dreamed of shiny automobiles, since childhood; I could always sense that, and inherited that trait).. and be so bad at reading books and magazines, even when visiting friends and relatives, to seek out their books, so that my mom would always be calling him to come and "socialize".. how he would after dinner go and lie on the floor in the bedroom for a quick nap.. and at the times when he was still smoking the pipe, would nap on the living room floor and would stick the pipe out the sliding door to catch a secret smoke, and keep the strong sweet tobacco smell out of the house.. how he would always tell me, as a kid, what he could get for 10 shillings: a movie, a bunch of toffees, and a dinky toy car.. how he would enjoy strange and ordinary habits like dry figs, the newspaper, strong English mustard mixed in a small metal bowl with a tiny little metal spoon.. Tobasco.. and to be a man always impeccably dressed with a blazer and hat.. he was a man with style, and with a smile.. we miss you and we celebrate you for all you gave us, how you supported us, loved us, and how you enriched our lives.. may you always be a part of our memories.. Happy Father's Day all out there!!